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What is God's Sprite?

What is God's Sprite?

Not long ago, I exhorted our fine Notters to be sober this New Year's Eve. To eschew alcoholic punch in favor of a mix of ice cream or sorbet, perhaps some slices of citrus fruit, and the Sprite flavor of their choice.

I'm happy to hear that you took my advice, and I think the events of early January have proven the wisdom of my words. When overwhelmed with unrest and general chaos, it's good to be clear-headed and properly hydrated.

Amidst uncertainty, it's also common for people to look for clear guidelines in their lives. We face so many decisions and so much information that requires interpretation and context that it's sometimes nice to have one area where we don't have to think.

Many times, this longing for stability comes out in an assumption that of all the choices available there is one best option. Perhaps even one option that is endorsed, recommended—nay commanded—by God. We see this with people who want to know who to marry or what degree to get in college. Others long for specifics such as exactly which car to buy.

I understand the unsettled feeling that comes with too many choices, but I have to tell you, dear reader, God doesn't have a favorite Sprite. You are truly free in Christ to choose whichever seems best as you stand in the pop aisle or in front of those new machines with all the syrups. Original, cherry, cranberry, cucumber (cucumber?), orange. . .it matters not to your Father in Heaven. He doesn't drink Sprite. In fact, being spirit, He doesn't drink any kind of carbonated beverage.

That being said, God does love you, and He does not want you to be overcome by the madness of the world. So if you really can't decide between Berryclear Remix and Aruba Jam, my only advice is to ask God's Spirit to give you guidance and peace. And to remind you that, when in doubt, Diet Dr. Pepper is delicious.

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Why drink Sprite when there's Diet Dr. Pepper?

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