Hey, there's supposed to be an image here!
Not Questions

About NotQuestions.com

What is this?
This is a site by GotQuestions.org writers answering questions we get that have autocorrect fails. We answer them as if the fail is the actual question.

Are you mocking your questioners?
No. We're mocking autocorrect. And teeny-tiny keyboards on phones. And the absurdity of the English language with its inability to match meaning with sounds and letters in a logical, simple manner.

Are you mocking Got Questions?
Maybe a little.

Aren't you afraid you're going to get in trouble with Got Questions?
We literally work for Got Questions. This is a Got Questions Ministries site.

Aren't you afraid Got Questions is going to sue?
Pretty sure Got Questions Ministries isn't going to sue itself.

Who is really behind this site?
It's a group effort, really. A side-hustle, if you will. A rare case of Got Questions folk, gathering together for a common cause.

But if you read something that offends you, that was Jeff.

What if I think an article is really funny?
That was probably Jeff, too. Although it may have been Kersley.

Why do some of these questions sound familiar?
Probably because Joel made videos of some of them.

Why do you have ads for Compassion International all over?
Because if there's one thing we're not irreverant about, it's Compassion's amazing work helping kids.

No joke

Real kids. Real needs. Real help. Look into sponsoring a child today.

This is what WOULD happen if GotQuestions.org genuinely, honestly answered all the mis-typed, autocorrected, or otherwise altered "spiritual" questions that come their way every day.


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