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Didn't you dumb kids ever finish cemetery school?

Didn't you dumb kids ever finish cemetery school?

I, along with the other dumb kids in my class at cemetery school, are sorry you find our material lifeless. Since you have grave concerns over our body of work, maybe you can help us bury those flaws. It would turn our mourning into joy to see you coffin up some specific examples of where you think our approach is a little stiff. Tomb many people come here, not to pay their respects, but to dance on our graves.

We never claimed to be the final resting place of all Bible knowledge. We merely strive to see our information properly laid out. Anything you can do to resurrect our ministry, and shroud us from error, would be appreciated. We look forward to seeing these markers, so together we can arrange a plot.

Of corpse, we would prefer a response with a bit of a pulse, and not just throwing dirt. We'd be more than happy to help you find some closure regarding these issues. If you'd like to give our material another viewing, and help us with preservation, we'd be more than happy to de-compose our mistakes and lay this whole thing to rest. Even if we have to get down to the bare bones.

We may be dumb, but cemetery school has taught us at least one thing: you can stick your foot in an open mouth just as easily as an open grave. A degree from a seminary school isn't required for godly wisdom, but correcting others on spiritual matters is no light undertaking (James 3:1).

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