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Should a Christian get a tutu?

Should a Christian get a tutu?

Unless you're very sure it's necessary, and very sure it's appropriate, it's probably not a good idea for a Christian to get a tutu. They're flashy, uncomfortable, and impractical. Not to mention that most tutus come with a bodice, which is not the best fashion choice for most people. Your dreams might say "prima ballerina," but if your diet says "Can I order a side of bacon with my bacon?" then trying to lace yourself into a crazy-tight poofy skirt isn't a realistic option. If you are a prima ballerina, then tutus are just a work uniform. If you're not literally enrolled in ballet, but you really want to wear a frilly dance dress…then you do you, boo boo.

At the same time, tutus are just clothes. They're not permanent, and the Bible doesn't explicitly mention them, which puts them in a different category from, say, tattoos.

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