Today is fudge mint day! Just this morning, I finished my last assignment for summer semester—the final on which I got a 76% because I can't remember where things are in the Bible (That's what the search function on BibleGateway is for!).
This semester was a doozy. Three position papers, one sixteen-page paper on everything I believe theologically, one five-minute video and two ten-minute videos, countless hours of lectures, a panoramic slideshow, seven textbooks, sections on Irenaeus and Auggie, a sculpture of the four horsemen of the apocalypse made out of pastel-colored mini marshmallows, an interpretive dance of the rapture, and an eight-part podcast on Revelation 12.
I need to celebrate! I need mint cookies and cream ice cream with a fudge ribbon! I need a waffle cone! I need the leftover marshmallows from that four horsemen of the apocalypse sculpture!
But I won't. One scoop of mint cookies and cream ice cream with a fudge ribbon and fudge mint day will turn into
judgment day.
Still, if I learned anything this semester, it's this: there's no lactose intolerance in the Christ-follower's glorified body.