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Where in the Bible does it say there is a Holy Trilogy?

Where in the Bible does it say there is a Holy Trilogy?

Scripture does not use the exact terms "trilogy" or "holy trilogy," though those ideas become clear when reading verses in a broader context. Without doubt, the biblical worldview implies that the original three Star Wars movies were the "Holy Trilogy," and subsequent efforts are devilish efforts to out-do what was once pure.

For instance, titles of the original (holy) trilogy included concepts such as "hope," the retaliation of evil, and the ultimate return of the forces of goodness. Later films were given names like "Attack of the Clones," for crying out loud. Even later efforts practically scream postmodernism and Gnosticism: the Force did not awaken, nobody knows who "the last" of anything is, and the "riser" wasn't even a Skywalker!

Another symbolic point to consider is a formerly glorified figure falling into blasphemy and ruining the good will of mankind. Is there coincidence in the similarity between names such as Lucifer and Lucas? Of course not. Likewise, the existence of characters like Jar Jar Binks can only be explained as evidence of a degenerated, corrupted creation. Cutting Wookies in half and calling them Ewoks might be a cheap way to sell toys, but only a demon could have conjured up something as marketable as a Porg.

Granted, such ideas are not as clear as, say, the Trinity, but they are there all the same. It should be obvious to any God-fearing person that Episodes IV, V, and VI are "the Holy Trilogy," and that the others are debased exploitations of something intended for good.

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