This question came to us through our children's site, The demographics of the questioner was given as "Male, 6-8 years old," which did not surprise our writer. This was her answer:
That's a really good question! Dinosaurs do kind of look like monsters, don't they? And there were lots of dinosaurs in the air, like
Quetzalcoatlus Northropi, and
I think I understand what you're asking—did the flying dinosaurs pee so much it felt like rain? Probably not. Like birds, they probably didn't pee. But can you imagine being a person back then and watching a flock of flying dinosaurs coming? Look out, below!
So, did it rain before the Flood? We know it didn't rain on the day God created Adam and Eve (Genesis 2:5), but we don't know about later. Likely, there was just a lot of
moisture in the air.
Boy, we love our kids' writers!