Man, this is a good question.
I recently joined Twitter so I could see what "Christian Twitter" was all about. Turns out, it's a bunch of Christians posting screenshots of posts from people they find annoying so their friends can be annoyed, too.
People really get annoyed when those screenshots are of people they'd already blocked. This happened a lot before the election. Some wackadoodle politician would say something annoying, untrue, and potentially dangerous. I'd block him because he's a waste of Twitter characters. Then someone I follow would take a screenshot and share it. Share the original Tweet, fine—I've blocked him so I can't see him. But a screenshot? Those things never go away.
Then there's the people who follow people who annoy them just so they can be annoyed. And they comment on the posts that annoy them, ensuring they can see more annoying posts. Then other followers get annoyed and comment on the comment of the person who's annoying. The person who's annoying gives another annoying comment and follows the people who are annoying him so he can be more annoyed!
The ranges of annoying posts are quite impressive. Here are things people are annoyed about today in my timeline:
• Cathedral-style music in Anglican churches in the late 19th/early 20th centuries.
• A flippant remark from a popular theologian that women should stay home and make their husbands sandwiches.
• People who won't listen.
• Orthodox Presbyterians.
• Someone the poster doesn't know attacking someone else the poster doesn't know.
• Something about baseball.
• Something about the Celtics.
• Something about the Yankees.
• Dave Ramsey.
• People who think they know more than the patristic fathers.
• The fact that "patristic fathers" is repetitive.
• Tablets with the pastor's notes that die in the middle of the sermon.
• Pastors who use tablets instead of printed pages.
• Folks who join a narcissistic circus for political expediency.
• A politician who said a thing.
• LeVar Burton and cancel culture.
• A guy who bought a board at Home Depot.
• People who give advice.
• Guns.
• Critical Race Theory.
• The fact that no one on Twitter knows what Critical Race Theory is.
• People who make party punch in toilets.
• People who sell old textbooks.
• People who take verses out of context.
• Constantine.
• The New York Times.
• People who eat cereal at night.
One thing that we can agree on is that Not Questions is the brightest spot in Twitter. We
never get annoyed! We love all of God's creatures and use gracious discernment in all our interpretations! It's like
God anointed us to bring His mercy and grace to an evil world that drives mere mortals up the ever-living online wall!
No, that's not actually true. We're annoyed at Constantine, too.