I either can't recognize satire, don't understand it, or find it offensive. Is there hope for me?
TL;DR: Because you either didn't pay attention, missed the point, or only like satire when it doesn't personally challenge you. More specifically, it depends on which of three major causes you are suffering from.
Apathelexia is a condition where one lacks—temporarily or permanently—the capacity to carefully read or consider something prior to making a judgment about it. Terms such as "lazy reader syndrome" or the slur "shallow reader" have been applied to such persons in the past, but we wouldn't stoop to that level. Given that satire, irony, farce, and parody are clearly indicated by every single article on NotQuestions.com, this is overwhelmingly the most common culprit when someone fails to recognize the humorous angle of our material. Slow down and pay attention.
Infrasillopathy is a condition where satire goes over one's head. A symptomatic person might read an article—for example, absolutely anything on NotQuestions.com—which presents a humorous, non-serious, and light-hearted comic approach to a topic, deploying a mock-serious tone. This is known as satire, but may occasionally include concepts such as irony, farce, or parody. A person suffering severe infrasillopathy likely has some form of congenital cognitive inhibition, an ailment of which anyone capable of untangling the name can't claim to suffer. Check out the link to the "real" article, then come back.
Hypogeliosis and/or Egophylaxis (Critiphobia) are classified as syndromes, rather than diseases, since they are primarily defined by symptoms rather than mechanisms. Those suffering from hypogeliosis, commonly known as "stick-in-the-mud," struggle to grasp humor as a general category. Egophylaxis is a psychological state where a person finds teasing and humor hilarious—until something they like/feel/believe/do is the target. Then, it's not funny anymore. This, even though every single article on NotQuestions.com is satirical, marked as such, and the offerings include irony, farce, and parody on many topics. Attacks of egophylaxis are often referred to as "butthurt." Socially, this concept is referred to as critiphobia: an irrational bigoted hatred of criticism. So far as we can tell, slapping the suffix -phobia on someone else means we win, so it'll be our go-to excuse.
But what do I do? In all three cases, our preferred solution is the same: to note that this is satire. It's satirical. It's meant to be farcical, (mostly) light, and humorous. Esto es sátira. Our aim is to provide Christian-flavored grins that intersect our ministry's main purpose, and the joys of autocorrect. It's not an excuse for someone to seek (or choose) offense where clearly none is intended. If that does not suffice, consider your condition chronic, and seek professional help.
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