I don't understand what the Easter egg is about
Peep Holes

Looking into things

Take a look into questions about the folks in the Bible like Punches Pilates, the Ralph of God, and that one time Jesus healed a paralegal.

Do bad people go to Holland?

What does the Bible say about Fugees?

Why did the children of Israel wonder at the dessert?

Why did rehab help the two spies?

What is a good Bible stud?

What is Paul's rheology?

What is the secret of Samsung's strength?

Why was Paul the apostle to the gentle?

Why did God promise the Israelites cruises if they disobeyed?

Why were the Smartians so disliked?

What can we learn from Axe?

Do we have to keep the sad Beth?

Did God temper human gnomes after the Flood?

Is God the first clause?

What is the great cloud of fitness?

Why did six tribes go to eBay to curse?

Who is the delay llama?

Is the warship of Mary biblical?

What was the first medal?

Did Moses do the Pentathlon?

Who are the four horsemen of the apocrypha?

Was Jonah released from the whale bear, Joffa?

Did Thomas make it all the way to Indiana?

Should a pastor refer to his congestion as his sheep?

Where was Jesus for the tree days between His death and resurrection?

What does it mean that Jesus is God in the flash?

Why did Job's wife tell him, 'curds, cod, and pie'?

Why did Israel always have to fight the diabetes?

Why did Paul and stylus make such a good team?

Who were the Essences?

What does the Bible say about strange men?

How long after the birth of Jesus did the shepherds arrive to see Jim?

Who was Simon the Leaper?

What was the nation of the Amirights?

Who was Hezekial in the Bible?

Why did King Harold want to kill the baby Jesus?

Should women wear paints?

What is a King James virgin?

Who was Joseph of aromatherapy?

Who are the seven arch anvils?

Why did God allow solo man to have so many wives?

What is his soap in the Bible?

What is the meaning of the in corn nation of Christ?

Why does Jesus stand at the door and mock?

Why did Paul send dials and Timothy to Macedonia?

Who was Nebracanizer?

What is the ralph of God?

What are the 66 cooks of the Bible?

Why do bad things happen to food people?

Who are the Quackers and what do they believe?

Why did Paul leave Barnabas and choose dials?

Why did God choose the newish people?

Did Jesus heal Mary Mandolin of demons?

Why did God cast Lucy out of heaven?

Why did God say that Eve would brush the head of the serpent?

Do Christians have the authority to rebuke Stan?

What is Tom Kipper?

How old was David when he flew Goliath?

What does the Bible say about youth in Asia?

Who was Barry Magdalene?

What is the Oliver Discourse?

Is S. Michael Houdmann a hairy tick?

Who was Punches Pilates?

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