Hezekial is the only person known to serve simultaneously as both seer and king. He presents an interesting contrast to single-role figures such as
Ezekiel and
Hezekiah. Hezekial is best known as the ruler-slash-guru of the nation of Judrael, formed from an unfortunate ricochet when the Northern and Southern kingdoms were split. He's infamous for cutting off part of his hair in an effort to stop door-nailing incidents caused by exiles from the kingdom of Assyrindiana, led by a figure known as a Rabbishaker. This actually worked, after an Angelo of the Lord put thousands of Assyrindianans to death by running them over with what Hezekiel described as giant sideways carousels. Did we mention Hezekiel was prone to prayer-induced hallucinations?
Other key figures from the Judrael period are less-well known. These include Mariachachi, Habananakuk, Martha Magdalene, Barranabas—a friend of Psaul—and Cainanabel. Fragmentary sources mentioning people like Thirstimothy, Obadelilah, Zaccheuriah, Elishja, and Hisaiah have been relegated to apocryphal status.