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Was Jonah released from the whale bear, Joffa?

Was Jonah released from the whale bear, Joffa?

Whoa, dude—spoilers! League of FortCraft hasn't dropped its latest storyline, yet! How'd you even get a copy? I heard it was delayed for a week because of a glitch—if you walk into the Shark King's taco stand backwards you get turned into a kitten. I mean, that might be an advantage if your next quest is to sabotage the Jeffrey tubes in Loki's nursery, but if you're wearing Class-5 armor, it doesn't size down and you have to drag it everywhere. Tanks your agility and stealth ratings.

I'm glad they've delayed—the fact they didn't fix the glitch prior to dropping story Alpha-78.4 is how Jonah got stuck. I mean, I kind of understand why he doesn't drop his character and just spawn a new one—he must have thousands of credits in skins and weapons—his supply of incendiary termites is legendary—but he's been stuck behind the brick wall of that Italian guy's cellar for weeks. He never should have done that side quest to find the perfect Amontillado.

Animal hybrids aren't new in League of FortCraft—my fourth favorite skin is a giraffe with flying squirrel wings—but mixing sea, land, and air creatures is. I didn't even know there was a whale bear, but I'm curious to know who he is. Is he the Italian who imprisoned Jonah? Or did he eat the Italian and take over the cellar? And, which part of him is whale and which part is bear? I assume his bottom half is bear because of the whole walking thing.

But, dude! You can't just go posting the whale bear's name like that! You know once you have his name you have power over him. Now everyone on the forum knows! It's supposed to be a mystery. You know, like, why the ancient turtle librarian keeps all his broken swords in the flooded lacrosse field, or where that fish spit out that Old Testament prophet-guy Jonah.

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