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Is there such a thing as Sol sleep?

Is there such a thing as Sol sleep?

As of this writing, the coronavirus has caused a quarantine in several states, one that promises to last for months. Within weeks, businesses closed, pastors started preaching to a smart phone in their living rooms, restaurants converted to take-out and delivery only, and internet ministry workers forgot how to practice basic hygiene.

Our schools have been hit hardest. With absolutely no warning, parents find their children at home, taking online courses from teachers who sometimes relied on those same students to connect the classroom VCR. Graduations and proms have been cancelled, parents are worried their children will fall behind, and teachers are stunned they must now teach thirty or more kids with an online conference call—kids who didn't pay attention when they were in the classroom, and now get distracted by their younger siblings or their dog or their open window where they're playing Minecraft with classmates.

Not all teachers are using online conference programs, however. Some are posting videos or assignments the kids are welcome to access at their leisure. The parents of these students have discovered a secondary condition: sol sleep. With no set time to go to school or engage online, students are sleeping in until 10, 11, even 1 in the afternoon. Attempts to wake them are met with blurry faces and the reasonable question, "Why do I have to get up? I can't go anywhere!"

To make matters worse, the parents not only have no answer, they actually like it when their children sleep when the sun is up. They get to sleep in a little themselves, then enjoy coffee and Wi-Fi unhampered by teenagers all watching a movie, listening to class, and ChatFacing at the same time.

Our advice to parents is to take it easy. As long as the kids get outside long enough to raise their vitamin D levels and eat at least one vegetable every three days, they should be okay. Everyone is in this together, and, God-willing, the quarantines will be temporary. Yes, it is disconcerting to see your son lying in bed, dead to the world at 4 in the afternoon, but don't worry, he's not soul sleeping. He was just up streaming Disney+ until 7 a.m.

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We'll just call it a homeschool lesson on the circadian rhythm.

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